
Here's to Something New...

     Hi, I'm Maegan Fidelino and this is my blog for Journalism (IDC4U1) and Media (TGJ4M1). I wanted to write a nice little introductory post, but I'm really not sure of what there is to say. I'm pretty excited about both of these courses, especially journalism because it seems to incorporate two things I really enjoy - media and writing. I'm hoping to learn a lot from both courses and try out new, different things. It should be fun...
     Also, you may be wondering why I decided to make the Blogspot address for my blog 'vibrant wreck'. Basically, I like that it's sort of a contradiction and I couldn't think of any other name due to my lack of decision-making skills =)

Maegan Fidelino
view my complete profile

MW Media
Nylon Magazine